Positive emotional support
that accompanies you throughout your day

The power of positive emotions in the form of a jewel

Fears, doubts, sadness, emotion...
We are emotional beings, we are constantly feeling.
Sometimes, too, a little jolt can go a long way to bolster the positive and give us more strength.
And even more so when negative emotions take over, preventing us from moving forward.

That's why you can call on Effluences.

Effluences capsules are designed to give you the support you need to overcome negative emotions.
Just as powerful and effective as flower essences (such as Bach Flower Remedies), they have the ability to create a positive vibratory atmosphere and ensure optimal well-being.

Each day, choose the positive emotion that suits you.






F01-Orchid (Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum ptiloglossum)
Helps you connect with others. Helps you take a step back and see things more clearly.

F02-Orchidae (Orchidaceae Cynorkis verrucosa)
Helps to calm and focus. Helps you centre yourself and reposition yourself.

F03-Orchid (Orchidaceae Grammangis spectabilis)
It helps us to understand things and situations. It invites us to see ourselves as we are.

F04-Azalea (Rhododendron caucasicum Asteridae)
Provides anchoring energy and inner strength. Promotes reconciliation

F05-Lys (Liliaceae Lilium)
Allows discernment and understanding of higher values. Favours the will aspect.

F06-Lotus (Nelumbo lutea)
Helps to centre and focus. Promotes spiritual development Opens the door to the inner path.

F07-Rose (Rosa Rosaceae)
Exchange and dialogue with oneself and with others. Helps you to remain whole and intact in your relationship with the world, without forgetting or losing yourself. Effective against anxiety, stress and temporary depression.

F07-Rose (Rosa Rosaceae)
Exchange and dialogue with oneself and with others. Helps you to remain whole and intact in your relationship with the world, without forgetting or losing yourself. Effective against anxiety, stress and temporary depression.

F08-Iris (Iris Iridaceae)
Helps to free oneself from doubt. Strengthens perseverance, endurance and confidence. Consolidates the results of a major inner transformation.

F09-Peony (Paeonia Paeoniaceae)
Helps you rebuild your life after a setback or loss of focus. Allows you to change course and look to the future with serenity.

F10-Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
Promotes the awakening and recognition of our personal qualities and abilities, and helps us to find the strength and determination to live them out.

F11 St John's Wort (Hypericum Hypericaceae)
Radiates an energy of peace and letting go in the present moment. Helps you to rediscover your zest for life and to fully develop your well-being after a period of imbalance.



Enhances intuition and aids meditation. Stimulates the frontal and coronal chakras, known as the spiritual chakras. Opens the door to the divine.

Opens us up to the beauty and joy of life, and to protecting the earth around us. Develops our gentleness, in everything and for everyone.

C03-Herkimer diamond
Dissolves our shadows by transmitting pure light. The aura, spirit and soul are brighter, protected from negative influences. Brings us back to unity.

Self-healing forces in all bodies. Sense of a new beginning. Deep feelings of love, hope, healing and wisdom. Creates a space for meditation, harmonising the heart chakra.

C05-Olivine (Peridot, Chrysolite)
Helps us to recognise our higher self. Increases clairvoyance. Aids creative visualisation and healing meditations. Helps to clarify states of confusion and insecurity.

C06-Quartz Rose
Opens the door to beauty, to a new and higher facet of love. Supports the process of opening up, sharing and trusting. Artistic inspiration and universal love.



Connects you to Mother Earth and brings you back into balance. Inspiration and perception of divine love. Delivers true transformation.

Contact with the higher self. Strengthens intuition. Allows even regeneration, aligns the chakras and aura.
In meditation, opens up communication with your soul and the higher planes.

Develops clairvoyance. Helps peaceful concentration. Stabilises the aura, eliminates and transforms negative energies.

C10-Lazuli Lapis
Releases blockages, protects against negativity and enhances helpfulness and kindness. Helps us remember our dreams and understand their messages. Clarifies the mind, stimulates clairvoyance and introspection.

C11-Blue sapphire
Inhales and soothes. Helps with fear and promotes sleep. Clarifies thoughts, reinforces compassion and peace of mind.

C12 Blue Topaz
Promotes creativity and inspiration. Calms and clarifies the mind. Encourages spiritual effort and tolerance.

A choice of pendants

Instructions for use


To optimise its effectiveness, Effluence should be placed directly on the skin, on the heart chakra, at nipple level, halfway up the sternum.
Adjust the length of the collar to your size. There is no time protocol to follow. The impact, the feeling and the impregnation are not the same if you wear an Effluence for a few seconds, a few hours or a few days. In the first instance, wear each of your Effluences for a week, during the day, in the order suggested. You can then use them as you wish.


 The emotions encoded in the Effluences are exclusively positive, simple and pure. Effluences are elixirs that develop their vibrations on subtle levels. If you don't want to miss out on the feelings and benefits they can bring you, we recommend you do a little meditative exercise beforehand to get yourself into a receptive state. Once this sensation has been established, it will be very easy to reconnect with it naturally. Wearing an Effluence without this attention can give the impression that nothing is happening.


Sit down in a quiet place and in a very comfortable position, ideally lying down, and place a few Effluences within easy reach so that you can pick them up and put them down easily, without having to stay in contact with them. After a few deep breaths, place yourself in a meditative attitude and observe how your body feels, with your emotions and mind as neutral as possible. Take an Effluence and place it over your heart chakra. If you are lying down, simply place it on yourself, ideally against your skin. If you are seated, you can try to hold it in place with a finger, without tension in the arm.

The sensation is very quick to appear, 5 to 20 seconds are enough to feel a tangible effect. The idea is to observe your state without Effluence and then with Effluence. Repeat this several times to see if there's a difference. Do Effluences last a long time? Yes, several years if they are not subjected to high heat or radiation. In particular, avoid very close contact with a working mobile phone. Also, run the Effluences under running water from time to time to clean them energetically, especially if they change user. 

What is the difference between an Effluence and a Lumen Care vibratory re-information treatment?
As the name suggests, the aim of a re-information treatment is to work on the body and imprint it in some way. An Effluence is encoded at a vibratory level just below the reinformation level. Its sole purpose is to maintain a vibratory environment.
Do the Effluences last long?
Yes, for several years if they are not subjected to high levels of heat or radiation. In particular, avoid very close contact with a working mobile phone. Also, run Effluences under running water from time to time to clean them energetically, especially if they change user.
What is the difference between an Effluence and a Lumen Care vibratory re-information treatment?
As the name suggests, the aim of a re-information treatment is to work on the body and imprint it in some way. An Effluence is encoded at a vibratory level just below the reinformation level. Its sole purpose is to maintain a vibratory environment.