ARS capsules instructions for use


locate heart chackra
Locate your sternum at the base of the angle formed by your ribs. Place your little finger on it and press your hand against your body, fingers together. The position of your index finger represents the exact height at which the capsule should be positioned.

The information capsule must be positioned on the heart chakraat nipple level, 4 fingers above the breastbone (see opposite).
It can be worn as a pendant using the cord, which can be adjusted to your size.
The capsule must be kept directly on the skinIt can be worn under clothing and prevented from swinging around too much so as not to lose contact with it. It can be fixed with a plaster if necessary.

Contact time

8 hours a dayfor 15 days out of a 31-day period.

  • Phase 1: During 5 days in a row. Then take a break of 6 days.
  • Phase 2: Resuming 4 days. Then take a 4 days.
  • Phase 3: Resuming 3 days. Then take a 3 days.
  • Phase 4: Resuming 3 days. Treatment ends 3 days later.


Children aged 0 to 3

For greater convenience, we suggest you place the capsule in the nappy in the groin area.
The contact time is reduced by 1 day per phase, i.e.: 8 hours per day, for 11 days spread over 23 days as follows:

  • Phase 1: During 4 days and then take a break for 5 days.
  • Phase 2: Resuming 3 days then pause for 3 days.
  • Phase 3: Resuming 2 days then pause for 2 days.
  • Phase 4: Resuming 2 days effective end after 2 days.

Important advice

Respect the 8 hours a day minimum. At first, if the capsule is very reactive, you'll be slow to remove it. As the days go by, you'll forget about it. It's not a problem if you overdo it. The most important thing is to make a note of the programming on your diary so that you don't forget the days when you return after a break.

Wearing the capsule may cause slight fatigue for the first few days, or a slight feeling of tightness where it is placed. This is completely normal and has no consequences; in fact, it's a sign that it's working well. It is therefore advisable to start the treatment at a quiet, unhurried time, such as at the weekend. If you really cannot stand the capsule, stop the treatment and contact your practitioner.

Ideally, drink at least 1 litre of still water every day you are in contact with the capsule. Don't hesitate to drink depurative herbal teas to help the body eliminate the toxins released. 

Avoid scheduling your treatment at a time when your body could be under stress or too weak: long journey, sports competition, high fever, surgery, etc. 

Avoid exposing the capsule to excessive heat (over 50°C). 

Even if some symptoms begin to disappear, it is important to follow the entire protocol to ensure that the results last over time. Do not change your diet during the treatment. If you were already avoiding certain foods, do not try to reintroduce them before the end of the protocol. 

The necklace It is supplied for your first treatment and can be reused for subsequent ones. The metal buckle opens to change the capsule. The small cone acts both as a slider for adjusting the height and as a waveform to help release emotional blockages. If possible, keep it in contact with your body even when you're not using the necklace (for night-time treatment, for example). 

Without follow-up by a Lumen Care practitioner, the treatment is contraindicated in anyone with anaphylactic reactions to one of its components.

Questions and answers

What happens if I don't meet the 8.00am deadline? 

Our tests have shown that below 8 hours, the protocol is ineffective. Beyond 8 hours, it won't make much difference. Avoid more than 16 hours. 

If I miss a port day, do I have to do it all over again? 

No, there is a memory tolerance of 3 days which you can use as a "joker" credit during the treatment. This is simply a tolerance and not a recommended practice. In this case, shift your schedule to resume the course of treatment without ever eliminating days of capsule wear. 

Can I shower, swim or do sport with the capsule? 

No, your body needs to be as available as possible. If you are physically active, take a break and put it in the changing room. To be on the safe side, add at least 1 hour to your treatment. 

Wouldn't it be simpler to wear the capsule at night? 

Unfortunately not, because the night must be allowed to assimilate and regenerate the information received during the day. But you can keep it on during your siesta! That said, if - and only if - this is the only way you can carry out the treatment, then do so. 

What is the time interval between 2 treatments? 

For a repeat of the same capsule, observe a 5-day break. For a new capsule, wait 10 days from the last day it was worn. There is no maximum time limit. 

How do I know if the treatment has been validated? 

If you are being monitored by a practitioner, it is essential that you have your validation consultation, which is the only way to check that the sensitivity levels of all the reagents contained in the capsule have been reduced to zero. 

Is the capsule reusable? 

Yes, for 5 years. Rinse under running water before use. We advise you to keep it for at least 1 year in case you need to repeat the treatment. 

If you have any further questions, please contact your practitioner or visit the website :

The Vibratory Reinformation capsules do not
make no medical claims. Their
should not be used as a substitute for a proper diet.
or medical treatment that only a specialist can provide.
doctor is authorised to prescribe or interrupt.
An energy sensitivity test is not a substitute for
a medical diagnosis.