Table of contents
Radionic Remedy Maker
The machine water encoding for :
- Sensitivity test capsules for therapists (undiluted)
- Contact homeopathic treatment capsules (with dilution).
Le Lumedy™ is the remedy maker designed and patented by the French laboratory Lumen Carewhich enables water to be encoded by light.
It is a computer-controlled radionic machine with a principle of homeopathic dilution by optical filter. The dilutions obtained are, to a certain extent, in a range equivalent to the very high Korsakovian dilutions.
Radionics is an energetic principle that allows us to associate anything with a vibratory identity that can be in the form of a waveform or a numerical sequence. The memory of water is its ability to store and retrieve an impressive amount of subtle information.
Available dilutions
Physical reagents (A.R.S.)
- Attenuate: In general, pathogens
- Relancer: Everything organic
- Syntoniser : All allergens
Emotional reactivity (E.T.)
- Effluences: flower essence equivalents
- Transmutation: deep reinformation
levels 08 / 10 / 12
Compatible vial formats
- 1 ml - L : 50 mm - ø : 10 mm
- 2 ml - L: 35 mm - ø: 06 mm
Encoding software for Lumedy™ and customer tracking
It is the essential control tool for encoding capsules with the Lumedy™ from Lumen Care.
The main functions of Verbatim™ :
- Access Lumen Care's complete catalogue of reagents, updated in real time
- Create your own reagents
- Customer follow-up
- Sending results emails
- Organising and evaluating care capsules
- Order encodings
Isotherapy is a homeopathic technique which aims to improve a person's tolerance of the very substance which is causing their symptoms.
DigitalThis is because Lumedy makes it possible to generate a dilution from the vibratory identity of a substance, without any *machine for producing remedies by radionic manipulation of the physical substance.
The approach
Unlike most radionic machines, which encode water on a principle of vibrations
using digital codes, the Lumedy™ encodes water from the verbthe written word of the substance, projected onto the vial.
The radionic principle based on the spoken word is far more powerful than that based on digital codes, in terms of the concentration of intention emitted through a living language that has been spoken for centuries, in this case French.
So everything that is named is encoded ! Words, phrases, mantras, prayers... But also any image.
After several years of practice, the vibratory quality of the information and its stability over time have been confirmed.
In a way, Lumedy works like a printer: encoding commands are given to the machine via files formatted by the dedicated application. Verbatim™ .
Access to technology
There are no plans yet to market Lumedy™.
However, it is possible to order encoded vials or pre-encoded vials.
Either test vials from the Lumen Care catalogue remedy vials carried out using Verbatim™ software. Access to the software is included in the Lumen Care treatment method for deprogramming sensitivities. Contact us for any other use.