Positive emotional support
that's with you EVERYDAY

The power of positive emotions in the form of a jewel

Effluence necklace

Fears, doubts, sadness, loss of confidence, emotionalism...

These are all negative emotions that we can feel more or less permanently and that can prevent us from moving forward.

What if we could break out of this vicious circle and clear the fog by harmonising and amplifying our positive emotions to give us greater strength?

Now is the time to call on Effluences.

Capsules fromEffluences are designed to bring you real positive support to override negative emotions.

This is an original formulation that is just as powerful and effective as flower essences (such as Bach Flower Remedies), and which has the ability to create a "feeling of well-being". positive vibratory atmosphere and provide you with optimal well-being.

To combine business with pleasure, the Effluences are available in jewellery form. TOPO-CREATIONS, a jewellery designer, has designed a range of unique pendants for comfort and aesthetic appeal.


Each day, choose the positive emotion that suits you.

How do the Effluences ?

The Effluences are emotions, flowers and minerals encoded in water contained in glass capsules.
All you have to do is wear them on your Heart chakra to feel the benefits.

They are based on 3 main principles:

The memory of water

The human body is made up of 60 % of water.

The work of Dr Masaru Emoto, among others, has shown that water 'reacts' to its environment.

The shape of the crystals changes depending on whether you breathe a particular word or invoke a particular emotion.

As a neutral medium, water is capable of recording and retransmitting the information it receives.

Very high dilutions

Originally developed by Dr Korsakof, Korsakovian dilution (K) involves very high homeopathic potentisation. 

The advantage is that it produces a higher vibration than Hahnemanian Centesimal (CH) homeopathic dilutions, enabling it to work on more subtle levels.

The Effluences are encoded using an equivalent principle developed by the Lumen Care laboratory.

Contact homeopathy

As dilutions act on an energetic level, there is no need to ingest them when they are brought to a very high dilution. 

Prolonged contact with the vial on the skin is enough, which also eliminates any risk of a secondary reaction. 

You can then benefit from support for your emotional and physical body with complete peace of mind.

The advantages of Effluences

The benefits of Effluences are similar to those we are looking for 
using Bach Flower Remedies, Deva flowers or other emotional elixirs.

As well as being effective :

Who are we?

The history of the Lumen Care laboratory

My name is Olivier Coen.

I am the creator of Vibratory Reinformation, of the Effluences and the founder of Lumen Care Laboratory.

For over 20 years I suffered from numerous allergies and intolerances. Forced to follow a very strict diet, I was permanently ill and my life was hell.

Traditional medicine had no solution for me.
While natural treatments seemed to produce better results, the existing processes were all very different. expensive, time-consuming and restrictive.

I then launched my own research after training in energy healing techniques.
After several years, I finally developed a new methodwhich responds to these issues in a way that simple, fast and effective Vibratory Reinformation.

Of course, I was the first to try it out and my life changed completely.
I can now eat the way I want, do what I want, without any headaches, chronic fatigue or other side effects. JI feel healthy all year round

But the principles of Reinformation would not have been complete without the possibility of a action at psycho-emotional level. In fact, our emotions have a very strong impact on the way our body copes with different life situations

That's why, using the same methodology that has made success of Vibratory Reinformation for the treatment of allergies and intolerances, I am now pleased to offer you the following ranges Effluences in order to help and support you emotionally on a daily basis



I accept my present, my origins, my past. I accept myself as I am. I love myself, I approve of myself.

Asserting yourself. To appreciate myself. I'm confident. I'm confident. I'm assertive. I'm proud of myself. I'm competent.

I'm happy, joyful. Fulfilled. Lightness. Serenity. I let the joy wash over me.

To relax. Let go. Relaxing. Relax.

I detach myself from my needs and desires. I stop identifying with my physical body, my emotions and my mental constructs.

E06-Letting go
I'm letting go. Supple. I'm in the present moment. I let it flow. I am here and now.

I take my time. I'm calm. I wait for the right moment.

I have courage. I'm successful. Motivated. Persevering.

I have empathy. I am caring. I am tender. Compassionate. Gentleness. Indulgent.

I'm charming. Seductive. Attractive. Charismatic.

I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I am forgiven. I apologise.

E12 Taking your place
I exist. I show myself as I am. I position myself. I deserve. To succeed.

E13-Expressing yourself
I free my speech. I untie my throat. I express my true feelings. I communicate. I know how to say no. I express who I am.

I love myself and I love. I am worthy of love.

Balance. I'm in tune. I remain centred within myself. I'm connected. 

I have absolute and unshakeable faith in the future, in life. Everything that happens to me is for the greater good. Positive. Hope.
I feel inner peace. I open my heart.



F01-Orchid (Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum ptiloglossum)
Helps you connect with others. Helps you take a step back and see things more clearly.

F02-Orchidae (Orchidaceae Cynorkis verrucosa)
Helps to calm and focus. Helps you centre yourself and reposition yourself.

F03-Orchid (Orchidaceae Grammangis spectabilis)
It helps us to understand things and situations. It invites us to see ourselves as we are.

F04-Azalea (Rhododendron caucasicum Asteridae)
Provides anchoring energy and inner strength. Promotes reconciliation

F05-Lys (Liliaceae Lilium)
Allows discernment and understanding of higher values. Favours the will aspect.

F06-Lotus (Nelumbo lutea)
Helps to centre and focus. Promotes spiritual development Opens the door to the inner path.

F07-Rose (Rosa Rosaceae)
Exchange and dialogue with oneself and with others. Helps you to remain whole and intact in your relationship with the world, without forgetting or losing yourself. Effective against anxiety, stress and temporary depression.

(Iris Iridaceae)
Helps to free oneself from doubt. Strengthens perseverance, endurance and confidence. Consolidates the results of a major inner transformation.

F09-Peony (Paeonia Paeoniaceae)
Helps you rebuild your life after a setback or loss of focus. Allows you to change course and look to the future with serenity.

F10-Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
Promotes the awakening and recognition of our personal qualities and abilities, and helps us to find the strength and determination to live them out.

F11 St John's Wort (Hypericum Hypericaceae)
Radiates an energy of peace and letting go in the present moment. Helps you to rediscover your zest for life and to fully develop your well-being after a period of imbalance.



Enhances intuition and aids meditation. Stimulates the frontal and coronal chakras, known as the spiritual chakras. Opens the door to the divine. 

Opens us up to the beauty and joy of life, and to protecting the earth around us. Develops our gentleness, in everything and for everyone.

C03-Herkimer diamond
Dissolves our shadows by transmitting pure light. The aura, spirit and soul are brighter, protected from negative influences. Brings us back to unity.

Self-healing forces in all bodies. Sense of a new beginning. Deep feelings of love, hope, healing and wisdom. Creates a space for meditation, harmonising the heart chakra.

C05-Olivine (Peridot, Chrysolite)
Helps us to recognise our higher self. Increases clairvoyance. Aids creative visualisation and healing meditations. Helps to clarify states of confusion and insecurity.

C06-Quartz Rose
Opens the door to beauty, to a new and higher facet of love. Supports the process of opening up, sharing and trusting. Artistic inspiration and universal love.

Connects you to Mother Earth and brings you back into balance. Inspiration and perception of divine love. Delivers true transformation.

Contact with the higher self. Strengthens intuition. Allows even regeneration, aligns the chakras and aura.
In meditation, opens up communication with your soul and the higher planes.

Develops clairvoyance. Helps peaceful concentration. Stabilises the aura, eliminates and transforms negative energies.

C10-Lazuli Lapis
Releases blockages, protects against negativity and enhances helpfulness and kindness. Helps us remember our dreams and understand their messages. Clarifies the mind, stimulates clairvoyance and introspection.

C11-Blue sapphire
Inhales and soothes. Helps with fear and promotes sleep. Clarifies thoughts, reinforces compassion and peace of mind.

C12 Blue Topaz
Promotes creativity and inspiration. Calms and clarifies the mind. Encourages spiritual effort and tolerance.

How to use Effluences

To optimise their effectiveness Effluence should be placed directly on the skin, at the level of the heart chakra (at nipple level, halfway up the sternum). Adjust the length of the pendant to suit your height.
For your first use, we recommend that you wear each of your Effluences at least 8 hours a day for a week. Do the same for the following week. You can then use them as you wish.
The impact, the feeling and the impregnation change if you wear a Effluence a few seconds, a few hours or a few days. Listen to yourself to find out how long is the right time for you this time.

The emotions encoded in the Effluences are exclusively positive, simple and pure, and develop their vibrations on subtle levels.
To make sure you don't miss out on the feelings and benefits they can bring you, we recommend you do a little meditation beforehand. This will put you in a receptive state. Once this sensation has been established, it will be very easy to reconnect with it naturally.

Connection meditation :
Sit down in a quiet place and in a very comfortable position, ideally lying down.
- Keep your Effluences within easy reach, so you can pick them up and put them down easily.
- Put yourself in an attitude of meditation, breathing deeply.
- Observe how your body feels, with your emotions and mind as neutral as possible.
- Take a first Effluence and place it over the heart chakra, against the skin. 
The sensation appears within 5 to 20 seconds and is enough to produce a tangible effect.
- The idea is to observe its condition without Effluencethen with a Effluence.
- Proceed in this way with each vial, one at a time.
Then it will be easier for you to know which one you want to wear and feel the benefits.

How do I create my range of Elixirs?

Once you have clicked on one of the buttons on this page, you will be taken to the order procedure for Effluences
You will then need to put together your box. Here are the detailed steps to follow. 

1. I choose how many capsules I want

It is possible to buy Effluences or by batch (and benefit from group rates). 
You can choose between 1, 5 or 10 capsules from a drop-down list.

2. I choose my Influences

You can choose from the full range of Effluences Flowers, Emotions and Minerals. 
You are of course free to choose from one or more of these categories.
The full list of Effluences is available above (in the Catalogue section) or can be downloaded at click here. Use the name or reference number to find the elixir of your choice.

How do you know which Effluences I need?
There are no absolutes, and the best teacher remains your intuition Choose what seems most relevant to you, based on your feelings and concerns at the time.

3. I choose my pendant

Then click onPendant - crochet“.

The Effluences Lumen Care have been designed to be worn as pendants. In this way, they act at the level of the Heart chakra, where their action is strongest and can be diffused throughout the body.
Custom jewellery has been created for these needs - select your favourite model.

If you already have a pendant, click directly on "box" to skip this step.

4. I decide whether I want a box

Then click onBox"(required to finalise my order).

Then click on "Metal box" or "No box", depending on whether you want a practical storage box for your kit.Effluences.

Confirm the configuration to complete your order

Then click onConfirm configuration"(required to finalise my order).

A summary of your selection is displayed. If you are happy with your selection, you can click "Add to Basket".
If you have finished shopping on the Lumen Care website, all you have to do is go to the basket page to pay for your order.
Your Effluences will be delivered to you in a few days.

Your most frequently asked questions

What are the contraindications to these elixirs?

There are absolutely NO contraindications.

Can I use the Effluences if I'm undergoing treatment?

Yes, even if you're undergoing allopathic treatment, it won't interfere with the Effluences. These intervene on a vibratory level, so on a totally different plane.

Can elixirs be used by children or pregnant women?

Yes, once again there are no contraindications or risks of side-effects, even for younger people or pregnant women. 

What is the difference between an Effluence and a Lumen Care vibratory re-information treatment?

The aim of a Reinformation treatment, as the name suggests, is to work in depth on the body, to leave a lasting imprint of information. A Effluence is encoded at a lower vibratory level, with a resonance limited in time. Its sole purpose is to maintain a vibratory environment and it can be used without any constraints.

How long will it take for me to see the effects?

The effects of the Effluences are almost immediate, as they immediately 'resonate' with your body. To feel these benefits more easily, an alignment exercise is suggested above. For a profound effect on your emotional state, allow at least 3 days.

How long do the effects of Effluences ?

It depends on the contact time. Their resonance will continue for a while after you stop wearing it.
That's why we recommend that when you use a Effluence for the first time, wear it for several hours a day for a week. The vibration will remain active for 1 to 2 months, depending on the wearer.

What precautions should be taken when storing vials?

As these are informed at vibratory level, they should not be placed next to devices that emit waves, such as a mobile phone in the middle of a call or at high light levels. 
It is advisable to run them under running water from time to time to cleanse them energetically.
You can then use them as much as you like for years to come.

Do I have another question?

You can contact us using the dedicated form: https://www.lumen-care.com/contact

I want to benefit from the strength
positive emotions