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Put an end to pollen allergy and hay fever?

A simple glass vial worn as a pendant for a fortnight and that's the end of the allergy nightmare that ruins your life when the sun comes back out!

Published on 6 May 2019

Is this another scam from the perverse mind of a charlatan? The question immediately springs to mind, at a time when homeopathy - which the 'pollen-complex' treatment in question claims to be based on - is coming under increasingly virulent attack from scientific circles and could soon be delisted from the French social security system.

But Olivier Coen hardly looks like a con man.

The inventor of the 'pollen complex' is the founder, more than fifteen years ago, of an audiovisual communications cooperative, and he would never have taken an interest in allergy issues had he not himself suffered from a severe allergy to gluten. Years of heavy treatment and restrictive diets finally led him to take an interest in so-called 'alternative' medicines, in particular Korsakovian homeopathy and the memory of water.

Based on the memory of water

His research led him to develop this "Vibratory Reinformation" process. A vial filled with water, in contact with the skin, itself containing minute traces of the allergen which, through an electromagnetic effect, will send information to the body. In the case of pollen, this will have the effect of "re-informing" the body suffering from an allergy, making it feel that pollen is not harmful and therefore does not require the immune system to be activated. In fact, it is the pathological exaggeration of the immune response that characterises allergy. In short, if we are rational, we must believe that water reacts to its environment and is capable of storing information in its memory and retransmitting it.

You don't believe it?

In that case, you'll have to make do with the long and costly treatments with uncertain results offered by official medicine (treatment with antihistamines or recourse to "medical desensitisation"). But if you're not incredulous on principle, it won't cost you much (€48) to try. All those who have done so (see testimonials) have found themselves relieved or even totally cured. In short, it's worth the money!

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Marc's testimonial:

"I had the treatment in March. Usually the symptoms start in May. Today is 12 June and I haven't taken a single antihistamine. It's an absolutely colossal and extremely positive reduction."