
Dairy intolerance: symptoms and solutions

A lasting end to
dairy intolerance

Now it's possible with contact homeopathy.


One month to deprogramme your intolerance to dairy products! It's now possible thanks to Vibratory Reinformation which has proved its worth over several years.

Are you familiar with these symptoms?

Intestinal pain



Candida albicans

You've tried a number of solutions without results ?

So maybe it's time for you to try something completely different. No side effectsso without risk and at lower cost.

That's what Aude did 3 years ago, and she wasted no time in telling us about her victory over her dairy intolerance after years of hardship and suffering. Today, her dairy sensitivities are a thing of the past for her and for all those who have followed her on this journey.

Treatment of Allergies to Sedges

Natural solution for dairy intolerance: symptoms confirmed

This is a French innovation in the field of alternative therapies and alternative medicine, developed and perfected by Lumen Care Laboratory on the basis of research by Olivier Coen.
Particularly suited to the natural deprogramming of milk intolerance recurring symptoms.
This method of deprogramming is one of the energy therapies increasingly used when traditional methods fail to provide a satisfactory response.

Is it really effective?

Vibratory Reinformation"is the most advanced version of several energy therapies developed over the last few decades.

> A natural 100% product,
> No ingestion
> No inhalation,
> No skin absorption,
> No age limit,
> No drug interaction,
> No side effects.

What are the principles behind this protocol?

La mémoire de l’eau

Les propriétés reconnues de l'eau qui peut garder en mémoire des informations énergétiques générées par différents éléments naturels de notre environnement.

La radionique

La radionique permet de définir les caractéristiques vibratoires que chaque élément ou corps émet en permanence.

Homéopathie de contact

Sous forme de contact, le port de la capsule de traitement s'effectue en pendentif au contact du sternum, à même la peau.

How can I obtain this protocol?

If you are sensitive or intolerant dairy productsYou can order your vial directly by clicking below.

You will receive it by post within a few days:

> Your capsule containing all the reagents dairy products and derivatives.
> Instructions for use, including the timetable for wearing your capsule.

In most cases, the one-month protocol is enough to get rid of the intolerance, but if there are still some residual sensitivities, you can repeat the process for another month**.

All you have to do is let us know how you feel at the end of the whole process*.


What am I?

As a former allergy sufferer, my aim is to enable all those who suffer from sensitivities and despair to one day find a definitive solution to live a normal life.
For this reason, which is close to my heart, I've never stopped trying to find and develop the simplest possible solution with the greatest possible efficiency for everyone.

It was with this in mind that I created the 'complexes', of which the gluten complex is one. These are specific protocols for a very precise category of allergens that you receive by post and use independently at home.

So you get the quickest results at the lowest cost, because I know that counts too. It's this type of treatment that I would have loved to have had ten years ago when I was still allergic.

I wish you all the best with your deprogramming and don't hesitate to let me know how you're getting on. It's always a pleasure to read about your journeys and experiences, because it's for you that I'm developing these solutions.

Kind regards,

Olivier Coen

Creator of the Vibratory Reinformation method & founder of Lumen Care Laboratory.

Ps: some people will say that it's too easy to be effective, that a solution has to be complicated to get good results, but all I can say is: Try it! It's the simplest thing you can do to see for yourself.

Steps in the protocol :


How to order


I receive my capsule by post


I wear the capsule for a month

(in accordance with the defined timetable)


I confirm the success of deprogramming*.

See their testimonials:

*If you are subject to several types of sensitivities or intolerances other than dairy, we recommend that you make an appointment with one of our practitioners trained in Vibrational Reinformation listed in this directory to carry out a full assessment.

**If, however, at the end of the protocol, you do not obtain the desired result, Lumen Care Laboratory will suggest that you contact a certified therapist by telephone for a personalised follow-up.

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