How to treat pollen intolerance quickly

Focus on intolerances, particularly to pollen

Did you know that diagnosing intolerance can take a long time?
In France, on average 7 years of medical wandering before diagnosis and correct treatment.

In the meantime, the disease gets worse and there can even be life-threatening complications. Treating intolerance therefore means treating a significant risk factor.
According to the latest bulletin from the French National Aerobiological Monitoring Network (RNSA), updated on 14 June 2019, the risks of intolerance linked to grass pollen are high to very high throughout France. The centre and south of France and the Pays de la Loire are particularly at risk.

The RNSA website (source) :

"Current weather conditions are very favourable to the dispersion of high concentrations of grass pollen in the air. Only rain showers, when they pass through, will be able to provide temporary relief for sensitive people".

Pollen intolerance manifests itself through a number of characteristic symptoms: itchy eyes, red conjunctiva, watery eyes, swollen and stuck eyelids, an itchy nose that is occasionally blocked and with repeated clear discharges.

These symptoms tell you something If you answer yes to this question, it's a good idea to read on.

I am Olivier Coen, Therapist and Founder of Lumen Care Laboratory.

But we're not here to talk about me. But if you'd like to find out more about me, you can have a look here.
OK, back to the basics.
A month ago, I had the privilege of having a interview with Ana Sandrea,

Ana Sandréas and her experience with pollen

Who is Ana Sandréas?

Ana is a therapist specialising in the treatment of emotional wounds, a writer and the creator of the Summit of Consciousness.
To find out more, visit his website:

In this interview, Ana chose to share her story with me and a very engaged audience with over 3,000 views, live from her Facebook page.

Live allergies and intolerances

Here is the quintessence of his testimony:

"Over 20 years of Pollen intolerance. This situation has handicapped my life.
Despite several attempts to find solutions, the situation only got worse.
Last year I had the opportunity to meet Olivier and the change was impressive.
The reason I invited Olivier is that many people suffer from sensitivities and intolerances, especially during the pollen season.
I also wanted to share this information with you because it changed my life."

To watch the full video of this testimonial, go to this page: Ana's story

Ana's story speaks to you, you may be suffering from the same symptoms and you're tired of going to the doctors...

Get rid of your intolerance in 1 month, the natural way

Great news! From natural, personalised solutions are already available.
Treating an intolerance is not just a matter of taking a pill to temporarily hide the symptoms.
It means dealing with the problem at source, to settle the issue once and for all.
If you are intolerant to pollen or dust mites, you should know that you can benefit from a tailor-made treatment.

Vibratory re-information is a method for treating intolerances, based on the memory of water.
It enables the cells in your body to regain their vibratory balance and heal themselves thanks to an optimal immune response.

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To find out more about this protocol, click here: presentation of vibratory re-information