Showing 1–25 of 35 results

14,0024,00 ct

I'm confident. I'm confident. I'm assertive. I'm proud of myself. I am capable. I am competent. Deserving. Assertive. I like myself. I am perfect.

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I protect myself. I'm safe. I'm out of danger.

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I accept my origins and my past. I accept my present as it is. I accept myself as I am. I love and approve of myself. I recognise my talent.

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I have absolute and unshakeable faith in the universe. I trust life. I connect with abundance. Abundance. Life supports me.

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I have the right to have money. I circulate money. I earn money. I trust the ebb and flow of money.

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I'm letting go. I'm letting go. Supple. I catch the moment. I let it flow. I am in the presence. I am here and now.

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I exist. I show myself as I am. I position myself. I deserve. I am. To succeed.

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I speak my mind. I express myself. I untie my throat. I express my true feelings. I communicate with love. I say no when I think no. I express who I am.

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Let go. Let yourself go. Relax. Relax.

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I'm charming. Seductive. Attractive. Charismatic.

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I take my time. I'm calm. Waiting for the right moment. Taking my time.

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Inner peace. I let peace come over me. I am at peace. I open my heart.

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I'm in balance. Balance. Harmony. I am in tune. I let harmony wash over me. I remain centred within myself. I'm connected, I'm linked. Everything is right, everything is good.

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I receive. I welcome. I am grateful. I give thanks.

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I free myself from my need for recognition. I free myself from any allegiance to my community, my family, my religion, my tradition, my ancestors. I give myself the right to break with my lineage. I free myself from the past.

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I detach myself from my needs. I detach myself from my desires. I stop identifying with my physical body, my emotions and my mental constructs.

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I forgive myself. I forgive. I am forgiven. I apologise.

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I have empathy. I am caring. I am tender. Compassionate. Gentle. Empathetic. Indulgent.

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I have absolute and unshakeable faith in the future, in life. Positive. Everything that happens to me is for my own good. I let hope wash over me. Everything is good.

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I have the right to say "no". I have the right to say yes. I stand up for myself. I respect myself. I live by my values. When I say no, it's no.

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I free myself from all need to acquire and possess. I am fully satisfied with what I have. I accept what I'm given with joy. I have everything I need. I am fulfilled. Thank you for this.

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I allow myself to ask for help. I do my best. I make allowances. I question myself.

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I am free. I decide. I recognise my difference. I am the author of my life. I am true to myself.

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I allow myself to be feminine. Gentle. Seductive. Sensitivity. Yin. Fertility.

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I love sex. I connect with pleasure. I release my sexual desire. I'm comfortable with my sexuality.