Intolerant of gluten and sugar since the age of 8, Claire now eats cakes to her heart's content.

Video transcript ⇓

What were your symptoms?

I'd been allergic to gluten and sugar for eight years. So for the last eight years, I've been eating neither sugar nor gluten. I sorted out all my food. I had headaches, very strong migraines. I didn't know what was wrong, so my osteopath fitted me with a physioscan. It's a device that detects what's in the body and it looked for allergies and told me I was allergic to white sugar. From then on, I stopped eating white sugar and I didn't have any more migraines. It was very practical for me because the migraines were really bad. I had violent stomach aches and my stomach would swell up. And so, from one day to the next, I stopped eating gluten and I no longer had stomachaches.

How did you feel about being ousted?

Personally, I was happy. But then I saw the reactions around me when I was invited. I was always looking downstairs to see if there was the slightest trace of sugar in the mustard, in the vinegar, in all the food I ate, and then I realised that it bothered people.

I started by eating gluten-free bread. And even in the last few years, I didn't even eat bread any more. I didn't even feel like it any more.

How did you hear about the Lumen Care method?

My partner was embarrassed to see me with these allergies. So, out of love for him, I looked for a solution. I started with acupuncture, but it didn't work. Then one day I received an email from Land of resources on which was written "Allergy conferences reabsorbed in a month" and it clicked for me. I listened to the lecture, given by Olivier Coen, and it touched me. I said yes, and I think that's very good for me. I started phoning and queuing up.

How did the consultation go?

All right, then. I made an appointment for 1 hour with Olivier Coen. He asked me a few questions and then did a test. Then he tested me remotely. So the meeting was by videoconference. He tested my skin to find out about my allergies. It wasn't just sugar and gluten. He told me that there were other allergies that I didn't know about. He found dust mites, certain cereals, certain minerals and yeast. He said I was level two hypersensitive and then offered to send me a little vial to try out the protocol. When you carry the little thing around with you, you feel that it's working. I liked wearing the little vial, it made me feel better.

What about the validation meeting a month later?

The appointment lasts half an hour. After testing, I went down to level one. It worked, but it wasn't finished. So he suggested I repeat the protocol, exactly the same for a month.

What changes have you seen in your day-to-day life?

I was able to eat a lot better. Those were the days of galettes de rois and cakes.

I've given up on sweet dairy products, quiches Lorraine full of gluten, etc. And everything else you can find in the shops without restrictions. And everything else you can find in the shops with no restrictions. I tried everything. I went to patisseries and tried cakes. I was curious to find out what they did and I put up with it. I still put on six kilos because I'd lost ten kilos when I stopped eating gluten and sugar. Now, when I started again, trying everything that came my way, I did put the weight back on. But maybe it's for the best because I was still very, very, very hollow. I talked to a lot of people about it. A lot of people have started the protocol and are happy to find a solution. At last, a solution to their allergies.

What advice can you give people?

For those who have a lot of questions, I suggest they listen carefully to Olivier Coen's talk. I listened several times because he says so many things that you can't get it all in one go and then wait and see if they feel this process is for them. I really felt it and I think you have to feel it. As far as I'm concerned, this way of carrying a small vial by Homeopathic Contact™It spoke to me. Those who don't feel it may not be receptive to that method, but that doesn't mean it won't work. So I think you have to listen to yourself.


Going further

If, like Claire, you want to get rid of your intolerances, all you have to do is try the Lumen Care method.