Emotional treatment - Marie has tested the effectiveness of the Lumen Care method

Video transcript ⇓

What symptoms did you consult us about?

My name is Marie-Thérèse. I had problems with sensitivities and intolerances, particularly asthma.

How did you hear about the Lumen Care method?

One day, I was using a search engine and I came across "informational osteopathy". I suppose the word informational was also a keyword for the Lumen Care method. That's how I discovered this principle.

What did you do to look after yourself? 

I had the conventional treatment, i.e. desensitisation by a small intradermal injection. And then the usual allopathic treatments. In other words, cortisone and ventolin.

The NAET method is a bit like Lumen Care. For me, it was average. I think that most of the food elements were well taken into account. But the environmental elements were not. It wasn't effective enough for things like dust and pollen.

How did your treatment go?

I'd seen that Lumen Care also deals a lot with emotions. I looked in the therapist directory. So I contacted one of them. She told me that from an emotional point of view, she didn't feel experienced enough yet, so she advised me to contact Olivier Coen.

I'd asked for the emotional treatment first, but as he knew I had asthma, he said it was better to treat the physical symptoms first than the emotional ones. So we started. But after a fortnight, I contacted him again and told him that I really wanted the emotional treatment because it was important for me from a social point of view.

We had an emotional consultation, we did some emotional care and then I started the asthma care again. The good thing about Olivier Coen is that, because we're validated, he tests whether we've really moved on from a symptom point of view. He realised that he needed to deal with other emotions. So he graciously sent me another vial for treatment and the second one worked.

Are you satisfied with the Lumen Care method?

I've made a lot of progress. Yes, I'm very satisfied. Firstly because, unlike some therapists and other desensitisation systems, there is validation. And if he thinks he can help, he even offers it free of charge. So, in terms of value for money, there's quite a difference. Especially as the other method, in the Bordeaux region, costs €50 a session. What's more, we only treat one element each time, whereas here we can treat several in one go.


Going further

If, like Maurane, you want to get rid of your sensitivities and intolerances, all you have to do is try the Lumen Care method.