Showing 51–75 of 128 results

14,0024,00 ct

I am the creator of the universe. I am the father and mother of the universe. Everything comes from me. Everything will return to me. The mind, the heart and the body are my temples, for the Self to realise in them my supreme Being and my Becoming. 


For a balanced vibration linked to all forms of sensitivities and intolerances to LEGUMINE, SOLANACEA, ALLIACEA, BRASSICACEA, CUCURBITACEA.

14,0024,00 ct

Helps you rebuild your life after a setback or loss of focus. Allows you to change course and look to the future with serenity.

14,0024,00 ct

Develops clairvoyance. Helps peaceful concentration. Stabilises the aura, eliminates and transforms negative energies.

14,0024,00 ct

Contact with the higher self. Strengthens intuition. Allows even regeneration, aligns the chakras and aura. In meditation, opens up communication with your soul and the higher planes.

14,0024,00 ct

Connects you to Mother Earth and brings you back into balance. Inspiration and perception of divine love. Delivers true transformation.

14,0024,00 ct

I'm charming. Seductive. Attractive. Charismatic.

14,0024,00 ct

I take my time. I'm calm. Waiting for the right moment. Taking my time.

14,0024,00 ct

Inner peace. I let peace come over me. I am at peace. I open my heart.

14,0024,00 ct

I'm in balance. Balance. Harmony. I am in tune. I let harmony wash over me. I remain centred within myself. I'm connected, I'm linked. Everything is right, everything is good.

14,0024,00 ct

I receive. I welcome. I am grateful. I give thanks.

14,0024,00 ct

I free myself from my need for recognition. I free myself from any allegiance to my community, my family, my religion, my tradition, my ancestors. I give myself the right to break with my lineage. I free myself from the past.

14,0024,00 ct

Islamic tradition 99 Beautiful names for Gods: The Most Merciful, The Sovereign, The Pure, The Peaceful, The Preserver, The Almighty, The Imposing, The Supreme, The Majestic, The Creator, The Producer, The Shaper, The Infinite, The Forgiver, The All, The Dominator, The Most Generous, The Great Provider, The Great Judge, The Omniscient... 

14,0024,00 ct

Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition:

ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ हृःoṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrḥ 


For a vibratory balance linked to all forms of sensitivity and intolerance to chemical products.


For a vibratory balance linked to all forms of sensitivities and intolerances to spices and additives.


For a balanced vibration linked to all forms of sensitivities and intolerances to ASTERACEAE, OMBELLIFERS, RACINE VEGETABLES (OTHER), COMESTIBLE MUSHROOMS, COMESTIBLE ALGAE.  

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the Perfume family.

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the Climate family.

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the Tissue family.

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the family of metals and alloys.

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the Transport family (motion sickness).

30,00 ct

Vibratory Reinformation Capsule to permanently deprogram any form of sensitivity or intolerance linked to the Covid19 Vaccinal Stress family.

14,0024,00 ct

Helps to calm and focus. Helps you centre yourself and reposition yourself.

14,0024,00 ct

Promotes the awakening and recognition of our personal qualities and abilities, and helps us to find the strength and determination to live them out.