Filling out your practice while helping people - Aude

Learning to deprogram sensitivities and intolerances

Video transcript ⇓

My name is Aude and I'm a kinesiologist in the Alpes-Maritimes.  

Having just moved to the region, I opened my practice here just over a year ago. It wasn't easy at first, because I didn't know anyone.

After a few months, I decided to give more prominence to the protocol for desensitisation to the intolerances and sensitivities of vibratory reinformation which I had been training for some time.

I've added a specific line on my price list and a dedicated page on my website.

I thought it would attract new people, but I hadn't imagined just how much!

So many people suffer from this... 

People come from far and wide to see me, often by word of mouth. As the results are there, my clients tell their friends and family about me.

Sometimes they come just for that, but often they decide to continue the psycho-emotional work with me.

It's really great to see the positive feedback we get and the satisfaction of helping others in our own small way. 

Most of the cases I've seen have been for problems with pollens, milk and gluten. But generally, we find that there are more intolerances... and fortunately, we treat everything in a single session.

Today, the number of visitors to the practice has multiplied, and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so. 

My customers are delighted and so am I.


Going further

If, like Aude, you would like to help other people while developing your business, all you have to do is learn Vibrational Reinformation.

This course lasts just 2 days and will be a real asset to your practice.

Learning to deprogram sensitivities and intolerances