How do you put an end to 10 years on a strict gluten-free diet?

Can gluten sensitivity or intolerance be permanently treated?

According to estimates, gluten intolerance affects between 0.7 and 2 % of the population in high-growth countries. 

Are there alternatives to gluten-free diet ? Is it possible to permanently treat a gluten sensitivity or intolerance

The story ofOlivier Coenresearcher and therapist, and discoverer of the vibratory re-information  provides some answers to these questions.

In this video, discover the story ofOlivier Coena researcher, therapist and discoverer of the Vibratory Reinformationwhich after more than 10 years on an ultra-strict gluten-free diethas found and implemented a method for putting an end to any diet of food sensitivity.

Today, Olivier can eat all the products he wants, without fear of side effects. Thanks to this revolutionary method, he has been able to help many people get rid of their sensitivity and intolerance problems.

This is the case of Geneviève which, using the vibratory re-informationwas finally able to find an alternative to her gluten-free diet.

You may be one of the thousands of French people affected by the harmful effects of gluten intolerance. Like Olivier and Geneviève, you too can smile again, enjoy a varied diet and live a free and fulfilled life.

We are also pleased to announce that this video is the first in a series that will answer all your questions about the vibratory re-information.



Transcription of the video

Hello, in this video I'm going to tell you my story, and how I came to create the vibratory reinformation method.

I've always been a sick person, ever since I was a teenager. I was always picking up little ailments left and right, and it got to the point where I practically always had a first-aid kit with me, because there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't have something to take. A little medicine, natural solutions like essential oils, homeopathy, little things like that. I was mainly having digestive problems.

The most obvious symptoms were gastric problems: alternating, constipation, diarrhoea, stomach pains. This was really the main reason for my medical consultations.

In fact, when you're constipated, there can be pain and you don't feel well, you feel a bit oppressed, trapped and it's distressing because you feel there's something wrong. Something's not right.

I went to lots of doctors, had tests done all over the place and nothing happened. Until one day I met an osteopath who gave me some little tests, and he had little capsules with lots of reagents. He also had a test that consisted of taking the pulse (a kind of pulse) in the neck.

And he told me I had to go on a gluten-free diet. So I thought, well, why not!

I did, I think, about 15 days without gluten at all and at the time I didn't really feel any obvious benefits. After 15 days, I said "OK, I've done my diet, I don't see anything obvious". So I'm going to stop my diet.

I was working at the time and at lunchtime I went to a restaurant and had a pasta dish. About fifteen minutes after leaving the restaurant, I really felt the bar on my head and I started to get a sort of haze and headaches that lasted all day.

And I realised that it was obviously this pasta dish plus I'd had to have just that, a plate of raw vegetables and tomatoes. So it couldn't have been that, because I'd just been on a gluten-free diet... that was the difference!
And so it simply told me that in reality, there was a huge difference.

Except that over 15 days of dieting, it's not as if there's a clear before and after, whereas there was a before and after. The most obvious effect was all the headaches, tiredness and a bit of fog in the head. That's what we call "head up your arse".

At the end of the day, that was also my daily lot but I hadn't directly associated it as a symptom. By doing this diet I've realised that I've got fitter all the same and I've been able to reduce my medicine bag. My general immunity improved. I still had a bit of chronic fatigue, so a first-aid kit. I really felt that I had improved my health, and it was obvious to me that I should do this diet. What's more, I realised that I was also allergic to corn. So I had to look at all the labels, even in the gluten-free sections, because often corn is a substitute for wheat flour. I wasn't allowed to use corn flour either.

I got over it and I went ten years without gluten, really ten years without a single molecule of gluten. Because as an allergic person, not an intolerant person, the slightest bit of gluten has an effect within minutes of ingestion. Whereas an intolerant will have the effect 24 hours later. That's why you can't afford to deviate. In this case, I wasn't allowed to deviate.

So I've been gluten-free for ten years, and I've lived very well, it wasn't a horror for me, and you can live with it. I know that there are people for whom it's more difficult but, in any case, what I can say is that for me it was really a diet for life.

Until I discovered that there are solutions, energetic solutions that can treat all types of sensitivity and intolerance, including food intolerances such as gluten.

I ended up taking an interest in these methods, being able to treat myself, and today I can say that I'm basically completely cured of my allergy problem. This means that I can eat a whole baguette (which is no good) in one go without any symptoms, and no digestive symptoms or headaches.

I don't have any more allergy problems, I don't have any more medicine kits, I don't take any more medication, I don't have any more chronic fatigue, no more digestive problems. No more headaches, no more fog in my head and I'm no longer on any kind of diet, even though I'm not a raving lunatic and I know that from time to time it's good to have gluten-free days.

That's it! But I'll tell you about the method I used to do this in a future video.



You can also watch other videos on the subject:

Treating all allergies and intolerances naturally: presentation of vibratory re-information

Testimonial Gluten Complex - Céciline