Egg intolerance: my child can finally eat eggs

Video transcript ⇓

I met Olivier Coen through my naturopath. Before him, I didn't know anything about Vibratory Reinformation with water or homeopathy. I had originally contacted my naturopath for my son, who is five years old and suffers from food intolerances. When he was four, he went into anaphylactic shock because he's intolerant to nuts and we reintroduced pecans. It went very badly. We injected two doses of adrenaline. It wasn't enough. He ended up in intensive care and nearly died. And it's true that when my son started developing his intolerances as a baby, I didn't know what they were. I trusted the doctors. I was told he might be intolerant to cow's milk or eggs.

I saw several allergists. For me, doctors are pros, they know what they're doing, they know what they're saying, so I followed the treatment. He took Aerius every night, and ventolin, but he couldn't eat anything. It was eviction. We took lots of blood tests. He was intolerant to eggs, nuts, peanuts and sesame seeds. In short, he couldn't eat anything. He lost weight. And on top of that, with the medication, his health was deteriorating.

His intolerances were developing even more.

I had a session with Olivier Coen. We looked at his degree of intolerance. We saw that there were oilseeds, eggs, mites and pollen. Because my child coughs a lot at night when he's asleep. So Olivier made me a vial for the eggs and a vial for the oilseeds. So we started with the eggs. I didn't believe in them. I was apprehensive. I thought, "How can he do all this from a distance? How can he see all that? Will a little vial with a bit of water cure his intolerances?

I was so desperate. I thought, why not, I'll give it a go! So he sent me the vial and it didn't take long. My son wore it, with breaks and carrying time. OK, for a month. At the end of the month, I got back in touch with Olivier. So, at the beginning, he was at 5 for eggs, the highest rate. Olivier told me that it was fine, that he could normally eat eggs. But I was afraid. I said to myself no, it's not possible. He brought me this little vial. And everything's good like that? On the spur of the moment, I said OK for him to eat a croissant and nothing else. Then he ate cakes and biscuits. He's let himself go so far. Then he carried the vial of oilseeds for 4 months. And he hasn't even finished wearing his vial when he's eating everything. I mean, all the biscuits.

My husband also suffered from pollen intolerance every year for years. In spring, his throat became itchy, he sneezed and he couldn't breathe at night. He wore the vial and nothing happened. I gave the contact to my sister who has my egg-intolerant baby. He carried the vial and nothing happened.

It's just miraculous. My son no longer has eczema, he no longer coughs, but above all he eats everything without treatment. We need to tell everyone, what Olivier is doing is marvellous. We need to tell all the allergists, all the people with intolerances. Because a small vial with a little water works miracles and works, but really at 100 %.

If I can help other mums and other people with intolerances with this video, you have to try. It really works. If only out of curiosity. But I tried it out of curiosity, and frankly, I don't regret it at all. I really can't thank you enough. Olivier Coen.


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