How I combined naturopathy and energetics

Learning to deprogram sensitivities and intolerances

Video transcript ⇓

I'm Claudine, a naturopath and energy therapist. I specialise in everything to do with naturopathy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, food, nutrition and more. I also specialise in magnetism and energy treatments and, of course, in managing sensitivities and intolerances using the Lumen Care Method. I had been developing symptoms of sensitivities and intolerances for over 20 years following my first pregnancy. These symptoms developed exponentially and had become really unmanageable. At first I had allergic rhinitis. Then, as the years went by, I developed eczema. I lost my hearing. I gradually developed intolerances to pollens. Intolerances depending on what I ate. Different reactions that accumulated. In fact, since it's the exponential principle of sensitivities and intolerances, it developed a lot. It became more and more uncomfortable. By the end, I was uncomfortable day and night. I was always blowing my nose.

This led to some pretty serious skin rashes, runny ears and so on. I was constantly blowing my nose. A few years ago, I'd reluctantly tried desensitisation. But I'd been taking antihistamines once in a while for a few years, so I didn't have to take them regularly. I could see that they helped at the time, but not in the long term. Out of spite, I ended up making an appointment with an allergist to be desensitised. Except that I didn't manage to follow their protocol at all. It didn't work, it just made me feel nauseous. I went for a week and then stopped. In other words, nothing was done. I was looking for a solution to my own problems of sensitivities and intolerances. I wanted to solve them naturally and this publication really caught my attention and won me over completely. So that's why I took the course. The Lumen Care method completely won me over.

First I trained myself, then I treated myself. I was my first guinea pig before actually trying the method on other people. And what happened? It was immediately revolutionary and very constructive. On subsequent occasions, I took the opportunity to test the method on people close to me. And then I opened it up to my customers. So, the process went quite well, a little complicated to understand at times, but that's normal. You need time to immerse yourself and get to grips with the method. But in fact, it's a method that makes a lot of sense and is really based on implacable logic. The two days of training are very intense, but very interesting and very impressive. I've been using it for a year now and I've had very good results, including from a distance, because it's a method that can be used both in the office and from a distance, and I use it from a distance, even across the Channel and the Atlantic. So everything is working perfectly.

The customers are delighted. I have customers who are both young and old. For example, at the moment, I have a 9-year-old girl. I also have people who are actually older, people who are in their 70s. I've had good results, particularly with ossification. A calcification problem with levels that are well up, precisely as a result of this trial method that I applied in conjunction with naturopathic treatment. I like the natural approach, naturopathy and energetics. The two go hand in hand and really enable me to go and treat the ailments, the root causes and achieve results that are really very interesting and which also enable better assimilation of food supplements, as I also practise nutritherapy. And the results are there. The osteoporosis sufferer's blood levels have risen dramatically. The little girl I'm currently looking after, who has asthma problems, no longer has any problems at all. Her parents can't believe it.

It's quite impressive. For me, it's a method that's destined to develop because, as I was saying, it makes a lot of sense. It's very simple, it's really effective and it really changes lives. It's a real heart-to-heart talk, having been my first guinea pig.


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Learning to deprogram sensitivities and intolerances