Treatment of sensitivities and intolerances - Nathalie

Video transcript ⇓

What were your symptoms? 

I had reactions to the cold, especially in the morning.

In the morning, as soon as I got up, as soon as I set foot outside, I sneezed for half an hour.

I also had intolerant reactions to house dust mites. If I had too much contact with dust mites, I'd get rhinitis, sneezing and itchy eyes. This could often lead to asthmatic bronchitis.

After that, other intolerances were due to perfumes. I used to be physically comfortable with perfumes, but this really bothered me and provoked sneezing and breathing difficulties.


Is the protocol difficult to follow? 

In fact, there is an explanatory note with the patch: the vial]. This explanatory note states when it should be used, how many hours a day, etc.

These explanations are very simple and as explicit.

It's then up to us to find time slots to put in the right number of hours.

In my case, as I had to put the patch on for 8 hours, I put it on when I woke up and took it off 8 hours later.

It was very simple and not restrictive in practice. It could be worn under clothing and you couldn't see it.


Were there any results? 

There were a lot of progress and a lot of improvement. 

The cold in the morning, I no longer sneeze or feel the cold. I don't like it any more.

What's more interesting is my reaction to perfumes. There, I see a very big difference because the perfumes that used to suit me so much no longer have any effect on me I don't sneeze any more and I'm not as bothered physically. That's really impressive, because it used to bother me a lot..

As far as mites are concerned, I've been in contact with a lot of them again. I'd say that things are going much betterBut I can still be a bit sensitive.


Are you thinking of going further?

Yes, I'm continuing the treatment because I still have a few reactions to the mites. It is important for me to continue.

Treatment is very easy and the price is affordable and within everyone's reach.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone, and what's more, the treatment is stress-free..


Treating intolerances and sensitivities

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