What if your health problems were linked to an intolerance?

Interview by Jean-Baptiste Loin for Réponses Bio magazine

Question :

Wouldn't asserting that all health problems can be linked to intolerances be in some way the professional deformation of a specialist with his nose glued to his flasks and test tubes?


In energy therapy, sensitivities and intolerances are based on the same principle, but with a difference in intensity.

While the symptoms of intolerance are relatively easy to identify because of the strength and speed of onset of reactions (from a few minutes to a few hours), the same cannot be said for intolerances and simple sensitivities.

An intolerance has a latency of action that can be counted in days and a sensitivity in weeks.

In this way, the symptoms will act as a more or less permanent background noise, depending on the frequency of exposure to the reagents involved.

Unfortunately, contact with the unwanted product is often a daily occurrence, leaving little room for the body to take a breather and assess its condition with or without the presence of the allergen, even though it is often extremely difficult to identify without outside help.

Taking gluten as an example, an intolerant person can clearly identify the link between ingesting a gluten-based product and a reaction that occurs within minutes.

On the other hand, for an intolerant person, the relationship between their discomfort, which may be more or less diffuse depending on the individual, will be less obvious to identify.

That said, a ten-day avoidance test can easily prove the benefits.

On the other hand, a simple sensitivity or hypersensitivity to gluten - i.e. the level below intolerance - will be almost imperceptible.

And yet it insidiously contributes to immune fragility, leading to a weakening of the immune system over the long term.

However, the idea is not to scare everyone by insinuating that you are hypersensitive without knowing it, the fact remains that if you have signs of fragility that are rather diffuse and difficult to pinpoint, it would be legitimate to explore the possibility of intolerances.

The difficulty is that in this field, it's not the dose that makes the poison, but simply the contact.

This is because the immune system is capable of activating as soon as it identifies the presence of the offending product, triggering exaggerated reactions to defend itself.

For example, still in the case of gluten intolerance, it would be less dangerous to indulge in a large pizza once a week - although I wouldn't advise it - than to eat a biscuit every day.

The body will have a better chance of remission if it takes several days of total abstinence, giving it more time to rebuild its immune capital, than if it is exposed to a small dose.


What are the most common symptoms of what the body interprets as an allergen?

The most common chronic symptoms linked to sensitivities are fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, irritability of the mucous membranes (internal and external), immune fragility and various forms of inflammation.

But beyond the big stars of intolerance such as gluten, lactose, pollen and oilseeds (nuts, peanuts, pine nuts, etc.), it's important to know that absolutely anything can potentially be an allergen.

Whether it's food, the environment, chemicals... or even emotions!


Can emotions also be a source of intolerance?

Absolutely, we can be sensitive or intolerant to fear, stress, anxiety, abandonment and so on.

To fully understand this phenomenon, it is interesting to draw an analogy between physical sensitivity and emotional sensitivity.

Let's take the example of sensitivity to fear:

If I am overcome by fear, I can have two sensitive reactions:

1/ Either the emotion will cause me to panic and explode exuberantly.

2/ Or, on the contrary, the fear is going to make me tetchy and totally incapable of reacting.

In both cases, sensitivity is a symptom of the body's poor management of an allergen, which can manifest itself in different ways.

In the case of physical intolerance, the mismanagement of the body is similar:

1/ Either it will expel by all possible routes, skin, bronchial tubes, sneezing, tears...

2/ Or it will be sluggish and unable to expel the intruder.

In the latter case, the phenomenon is more insidious in that the allergen remains in the body, potentially intoxicating the organism by inducing inflammatory reactions, for example.

Now let's take the case of calcium.

Although highly concentrated in dairy products, calcium can be found in practically everything.

It should be noted, however, that what interests us here, energetically speaking, is the vibratory imprint of the calcium molecule in its pure state, regardless of its origin or qualities.

If the body is sensitive to calcium, although this trace element is essential, it will be unable to manage it properly and therefore assimilate it.

As we all know, a long-term calcium deficiency, for example, can lead to osteoporosis.

Faced with this deficiency, the reflex of any good doctor will be to prescribe a calcium supplement, but for the intolerant this will simply represent an additional dose of allergen, further weakening the body.

As the calcium cannot be assimilated, the levels will not rise again and the prescriptions will persist over time, creating a vicious circle.

And if the body is sluggish when it comes to calcium, it will not be able to evacuate it properly and will store it where it can, such as in the joints, causing inflammatory reactions such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Whereas a simple vibratory re-information on the calcium reagent will rebalance a series of chain reactions, based on a simple intolerance to an element that would otherwise be almost impossible to detect.


What will this "reinformation" consist of?

This re-information will consist of tuning the body to the appropriate vibration, in our example calcium, i.e. bringing the two vibrations into harmony so that they are recognised by the body as compatible.

After treatment, and only afterwards, if the deficiency is high, a course of supplements will be effective in making up the shortfall more quickly than the body is able to do spontaneously.

The same applies to a large number of basic elements with which we are in daily contact.

In practice, as part of vibratory re-information, the therapist will carry out a series of sensitivity tests based on the following reagents:



Dairy products





Acids and bases





Vitamin A

Vitamin B

Vitamin C

Vitamins E-D-F-K




With treatment for one or more of these elements, we can already count on almost two-thirds of improvements in chronic symptoms.


And what can be done when remission is not complete? 

Allergen research needs to be extended to include more specific panels of reagents, enabling treatment to be refined.


What can be treated with the vibratory reinformation method?

Almost 65% of chronic ailments and 85% of sensitivities and intolerances can be improved through intolerance, and at the very least there is a strengthening action on the ground and the body's overall immunity.


How is vibratory re-information applied?

It is carried out in different phases to allow precise adaptation to each person:

Case history

Sensitivity test

Assessment and organisation of reagents


Send to

End of treatment validation

Case history consists of listening to the person, allowing them to describe in detail the most striking symptoms.

The sensitivity test determines the reagents involved.
It is most often carried out in the practice using a kinesiology muscle resistance test. More and more practitioners are also using a distance test, which I believe gives equally reliable results.

Evaluation and organisation of reagents are the analysis phase of the previous test used as the basis for the final form of the vibratory remedy.

It is used to determine the sensitivity rate on a scale of 1 to 5 :

[1] Sensitive
[2] Hypersensitive
[3] Intolerant
[4] Allergic
[5] Anaphylactic

Depending on requirements, reagents are classified according to 3 dilution methods known as A.R.S. :

Tuning in - to bring everything that is intolerant in the truest sense of the word into vibratory phase

Attenuate - for everything that is excessive or hypertonic

Relaunch - for everything that is lacking or hypotonic

We then check whether the person is able to accept the treatment all at once, or whether it is preferable to divide it into several doses.

Encoding is to make the remedy itself.
This involves encoding the water contained in the capsule with the selected reagents and according to the required ARS dilution.

SendingThe reason for this is that it is not always possible to have pre-encoded reagents available to make a capsule during the consultation, in which case it will be sent by post.

Finally end-of-process validation consists of repeating a sensitivity test on all the reagents present in the treatment.

The aim here is to reduce all rates to zero.

But to achieve this result, in some cases it may be necessary to repeat the same treatment for a few extra days to ensure long-term validation.


What does the remedy look like?

The remedy comes in the form of a capsule containing water encoded in a very high homeopathic dilution.

It's very easy to use: it acts by contact with the skin, to be worn 8 hours a day, spread over 15 days for 1 month, according to a very precise schedule.

This treatment has the great advantage of being effective:

without dieting or avoiding food,

with no risk of side effects,

without drug interaction,

with no age limit.


Olivier Coen, thank you for your explanations.

It was my pleasure, thank you.


Original publication: http://www.reponsesbio.com/2017/04/09/vos-problemes-de-sante-etaient-lies-a-intolerance/