Treating hormonal acne

Interview by Jean-Baptiste Loin for Réponses Bio magazine


Olivier Coen, a researcher in energy therapies, is giving Réponses Bio an interview today to tell us more about a problem affecting 41% of women after adolescence, namely hormonal acne.

Jean-Baptiste Loin: Hello Olivier, could you explain the difference between hormonal acne and other forms of acne?

Olivier Coen Hello Jean-Baptiste, acne is commonly defined as the appearance of pimples, mainly on the face, but can also occur anywhere else on the body.

It ranges from red spots to whiteheads and blackheads.

Non-hormonal acne can occur spontaneously as a result of dietary and environmental factors, whereas hormonal acne is specifically linked to puberty, persisting for several months or even years.

Hormonal acne is identified according to the period in which it occurs, i.e. during puberty, from the age of 12 or 13.

But for women, it can persist after puberty insofar as it is linked to menstrual cycles and can be aggravated by taking the contraceptive pill.

This makes it easy to identify the source.

For example, when you get pimples after eating something too fatty or too sweet, or when you are sensitive to something, the pimple appears within 24 hours.

So the difference is clear, logical and obvious.

Especially when you know that hormonal acne is very persistent, lasting for months or even years.

Until what age can a woman suffer from hormonal acne?

This can last until the menopause.

Can it worsen over time?

No. Hormonal acne that persists beyond puberty is relatively continuous.

After that, it really depends on how people react.

It may come and go depending on the period of the cycle, or during pregnancy.

What impact does the contraceptive pill have on hormonal acne?

It does not systematically cause it, but it can be an aggravating factor, since it influences hormone doses.

Apart from the inconvenience, what are the consequences of acne?

With the exception of certain types of inflammatory pimples, which can cause lifelong scarring, the main consequences are discomfort and poor appearance.

Can it leave very visible scars?

Yes, everyone has seen, or sees every day in the street or underground, people with large cracks on their skin.

Well, these cracks are scars left by acne.

This type of scarring is often more common in men, since acne, which occurs during adolescence, can be more violent for them than for women.

But women can also suffer from this type of scarring.

Are there any factors that aggravate hormonal acne?

Yes, of course.

Acne, by definition, can be aggravated or occur as a result of certain dietary factors.

Factors that aggravate or cause acne include :

  diets high in fast or slow sugars, linked to the digestion of the starch present in white cereals, generating carbohydrates which lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, in turn potentially triggering acne reactions, depending on the individual,

  and the consumption of dairy products and meats, which contain hormones, especially in the case of meat, particularly red meat.

These are aggravating factors, which means that even in the case of hormonal acne, limiting these dietary intakes can significantly reduce acne outbreaks.

After that, it all depends on the intensity of the acne.

Some acne is relatively mild, while others is very severe.

And for severe acne Unfortunately, diets are not enough.

They pose major problems which, when treated by allopathic medicine, require dreadful drugs with very serious side-effects and consequences.

Side effects on hormonal balance?

There's a long list of side effects.

For example, the most infamous drug, the Roaccutaneis particularly dangerous.

It is taken in courses of treatment lasting at least ten months, or even longer, and can cause a large number of side effects, such as :

  Drying of the skin, mucous membranes or lips,

  problems with tendonitis when playing sport,

  rash, itching, the skin may become redder and more fragile,

  nasal dryness, nosebleeds and nasopharyngitis,

  dry eyes,

  back pain,

  muscle and joint pain,


  increased globular sedimentation rate,

  reduced platelet and white blood cell counts,

  increased blood lipid levels (triglycerides, cholesterol except HDL),

  increased blood glucose levels...

In addition, there are specific indications for women who must take the contraceptive pill during the course of the treatment.

What problems is this medicine prescribed for?

For very severe and debilitating acne, even if it's only cosmetic in the end.

Coming back to the dietary habits that seem better suited to this type of problem, can we already recommend putting aside purine-containing foods, or those that upset the hormonal balance?

Yes, these foods can add to your hormonal intake, as well as the sebum excretion associated with a slightly heavy digestion, insofar as they force the liver to work harder and eliminate an abnormal quantity of toxins.

The skin also acts as an emunctory, eliminating waste products.

Leaving aside all the aggravating factors caused by diet, is it fair to assume that persistent acne is hormonal in origin?

Yes, that's right, I think there's no ambiguity on that point.

Mild acne can be managed with a diet and pass, or remain relatively minimal.

However, if the acne is purely hormonal, the diet will be ineffective in the vast majority of cases, as this is an allergic reaction to hormones, where the sudden arrival of large quantities of hormones generates an auto-immune reaction, meaning that the body over-reacts to a secretion or an organic element that is specific to us.

In other words, you fight your own hormones.

The allergic reaction is an immune mismanagement, i.e. an over-reaction of this hormonal phenomenon.

The good news is that, as with any allergic phenomenon, we can intervene and deprogram this "over-reaction" of the immune system.

In what way?

By re-training the body so that it learns to see this hormonal input as not being negative, and to which it does not need to over-react.

Since an allergy is an emotional shock reaction in which the body identifies the allergen as dangerous when it isn't necessarily, how can you be so shocked by your own hormones that you become allergic to them?

This sudden influx of hormones during adolescence, when you were a quiet, practically asexual child, is a real shock.

I would describe this allergy as autoimmune, meaning that you are allergic to yourself, as in the case of more serious autoimmune diseases.

In the case of hormonal acne, this is fairly benign compared to what we know about autoimmune diseases.

But it's the same process.

Then the question of intensity is linked to the history and sensitivity of each individual, expressing the disorder in question more or less strongly.

Are there other types of autoimmune allergy?

Ah, but you can be allergic to everything.

Being allergic to yourself is the very definition of autoimmunity.

Every autoimmune disease is an allergy to itself.

But I'm not going to go into the complexities of autoimmune disease as such.

Here, I would say that acne is a micro autoimmune disease, it is not disabling and is generally limited in time.

Why is it that women are more sensitive to this than men?

Now that's a mystery.

This is undoubtedly linked to the particular nature of women, whose menstrual cycle upsets the hormonal balance.

Hormonal acne affects up to 41% of post-pubertal women.

However, I don't have a physiological explanation, apart from the fact that women have a particular physiognomy when it comes to hormones, since they experience hormonal shifts in oestrogen and progesterone, whereas in men it's simply a continuum of testosterone.

These are two very different physiologies.

What diet should I adopt for hormonal acne?

You can try a gluten-free diet, as here in the West the largest intake of slow sugars from cereal consumption is gluten-related.

It's always a good idea to try a gluten-free diet, without going back to white rice, and always prefer wholemeal flours and cereals, wholegrain sugars and unrefined salt - and this is true for everyone, whatever their pathology and even if they don't have any.

As a general rule, the browner it is, the healthier it is, and the whiter it is, the more poisonous it is.

So it's worth trying a diet for 8 to 10 days:


  without white rice,

  without refined sugars,

  without dairy products,

  and meat-free.

But you can also do it in stages, testing certain things and not others.

In any case, it's interesting to understand your body better, to see how it reacts to something that is visible to the naked eye, day by day, to take note of it and adapt your diet accordingly.

But this may not be enough.

Results will only be achieved if the aggravating factors are significant.

Even with the healthiest possible diet, if the hormonal origin is the most important part of the problem, it is necessary to treat the allergy itself.

Are there other natural solutions for treating acne and perhaps, at the same time, reconciling with your hormones?

Apart from the vibratory re-information solution I was talking about, I don't know of any other natural means.

More specifically, how does this vibratory re-information work?

It works on the principle of tuning.

Tuning is the act of adjusting two circuits that operate in phase opposition, to bring them into harmony.

In the case of hormonal acne, there are effectively two circuits operating in phase opposition:

  the hormone circuit

  and the rest of the body.

Vibratory re-information therefore consists of adjusting these two vibrations so that they become harmonious once again.

The results are quite surprising.

It will not limit the hormonal flare-up, but it will reduce the colour and inflammatory nature of the acne flare-up, and at the same time avoid anything that could cause scarring or red spots...

Over the course of the treatment, the colour of the pimples will clearly change, going from bright red to dark red, or even to the complete elimination of the pimples.

Sounds very complicated to put into practice?

Not at all.

It's based onHomeopathic Contact™This is much less restrictive than homeopathic treatment, which requires granules to be taken 3 times a day and left to melt under the tongue for at least 30 minutes before or after meals.

The only constraint of vibratory re-information is to follow a schedule, as you will have to wear a pendant in contact with the skin for 8 hours a day for 15 days spread over 1 month.

Which means it's not every day, but in several phases.

Is it very serious if this protocol is not followed to the letter?

This is homeopathy, so there are no side effects or drug interactions.

The only risk if you don't follow the protocol properly is that the re-information won't be ideally printed, so either it won't have any effect or it won't last over time.

But otherwise there's no risk in itself.

What benefits can you expect from this method? And above all, does it replace the need for a detox diet?

In this case, the benefits you can expect are obviously to lose your pimples, or at least to make them much less inflammatory than they could be, which means that you can cure your hormonal acne quite radically in the space of a month, which is infinitely faster than any of the treatments currently available.

However, as the skin acts as an emunctory, it is important to maintain the best possible dietary hygiene, get to know your body and find out how it reacts to excesses.

If food is an aggravating factor, vibratory re-information will solve the problem of hormonal reaction, but not the problem of food.

Is this method of vibratory re-information suitable for everyone, or should it be considered as part of a tailor-made treatment?

There is a broad-spectrum complex that is suitable for everyone.

In most cases this will suffice, so it may be a good idea to start with this rather than consulting a therapist.

However, in some cases there may be incomplete improvements.

This means that the spectrum is not wide enough, and in this case a tailor-made consultation will be appropriate.

Where can I get this vibratory re-information solution?

It can be order online from the Lumen Care laboratory website.

Olivier, thank you for your advice.

Thank you Jean-Baptiste.

Original publication: